“La Femme”
Rochester, MI AAUW gals-Michele F, Gloria S, Sharon P and Cathy V pose with the “La Femme” 1955 Dodge car as they celebrate the 90th Anniversary (1933-2023) of the Dearborn, MI AAUW Branch.
Victorian Luncheon
- Suffragists Lucretia Mott, Susan B. Anthony, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Sarah Grimke and Alice Paul speak out for women’s rights at the Royal Park Hotel, Rochester, MI.
- Sister Suffragists- (L) Martha Wright and (R) Lucretica Mott with modern suffragist (M).
- Sarah Grimke at Rochester AAUW event.
Please join us!
- St Louis AAUW Convention: Meeting Lilly Ledbetter
- “Page Turners” Lunch Book Club
- Women’s History Month Display
- Cruising Crusine’s Sunday Brunch
- August Board Meeting
- August Board Meeting
- OU-AAUW Student Organization
- September KaleidoscopeVisit to the Troy Museum Behindthe Scenes Tour
- AAUW-Oakland University students applying for NCCWSL scholarships!