- Diane K, AAUW STEAM chair, explains what happened to the stolen diamonds at the “CSI” Saturday Girl Scout workshop.
- Investigating the torn fabric at the scene of the crime.
AAUW (American Association of University Women) of Rochester is teaming up with the Southeast Michigan Chapter of the Girls Scouts of America to present a badge challenge on Saturday, October 2, 2021 from 2-4pm. We will present to the Cadette Scouts a “CSI Outside Workshop” at the Rochester Municipal Park 2-4pm which will give them the opportunity to earn the Girl Scout “Special Agent” badge. The zoom presentation is open to 20 middle school girls from the metro Detroit area. The girls will examine a crime scene diagram, create and study fingerprints and experiment with chromatography in order to solve the murder. Each participant will be receiving a “Special Agent” kit containing the items needed to complete the tasks at home during the Zoom presentation. AAUW is excited to be able to bring our services to the Girl Scouts and look for more opportunities to continue this affiliation. A repeat event will be offered if there is a continuing demand for the “Special Agent” badge.
Diane Kosuda, AAUW-Rochester STEAM Coordinator. For more information-Contact the Girl Scout Community Coordinator Karen Chappell at
The Branch enjoyed this Girl Scout presentation and will be working with the Girl Scout Cadettes on the “SPECIAL AGENT BADGE” soon.
Were you a GIRL SCOUT? A Brownie?
Girl Scouts fuel the female leadership pipeline–Business Leaders, US Senators, US Secretaries of State. Find out about today’s Girl Scouts on Thursday, Jan 28, 2021 @ 3:00 PM Eastern Time (US).
Girl Scouts is the preeminent leadership development organization for girls today!
Register in advance for this virtual Zoom meeting:
AAUW Rochester Zoom Meeting with Speaker, Telva McGruder, Chair of Board for Girl Scouts of SE Michigan. After registering, you will receive an email (Thursday morning) with the link to the Zoom meeting.
Hope to see you there. Wearing your uniform and sash…?
Diane Kosuda will be offering opportunities to virtually assist GS Cadettes as they earn a STEM Badge in the Spring, 2021. More info to follow.
“Teacher, someone stole our trip money. Look there are fingerprints on the desk drawer and muddy footprints walking away. Oh, there is blood on this sharp corner. Who would do such a thing?”. So begins the scenario to earn the Girl Scout Special Agent badge as staged by the Rochester AAUW Branch.
The Rochester AAUW’s STEAM chair, Diane K, along with branch members, will present a zoom workshop for Girl Scout Cadettes (6th-8th graders) of Southeastern Michigan on Saturday, April 17 from 2-4pm. Packets with fingerprinting papers, footprint analysis drawings and blood typing directions will be available to the registered girls and result in a Special Agent badge. The branch is supporting the cost of the items along with the $3 badge cost. The Girl Scout organization is also agreeable to adding a “Leadership” badge that would develop the missions of AAUW – like pay equity-(eg. graphs depicting differences, famous women scientists, women in government or business, career women, etc). Does your branch want to give it a try?
The Scouts are also sponsoring “Mentoring Mondays” -one hour workshops on Monday nights (6:30-7:30pm) where the mentor talks about her career for 10 minutes and then the girls ask questions. It is a great way to share your job experiences with young girls.
For more info on how to sponsor a Girl Scout badge workshop or to mentor- contact: Karen Chappell, Manager of Community Partnerships
P# 313-870-2538 or kchappell@
Sharon Postnieks AAUW of Rochester
Rochester AAUW presented a FORENSICS WORKSHOP for middle and high schoolers that will analysis footprints, fingerprints and blood typing from 9 am to 11 am at Rochester High School as part of the PTSA Career Exploration Event. More info:
- Rochester AAUW members assisting at Forensic workshop
- Students studying culprit’s fingerprints
Rochester AAUW & STEAM 2017 Career Exploration Fair
Escape from the Science Lab— March 23, 2016
ESCAPE FROM THE SCIENCE LAB, the annual middle school girl and parent evening science program whose purpose is to spark interest in STEAM (science, technology, engineering, art and math), took place on March 23, 2016.
In four hands-on workshops, the students explored ways to mix chemicals that released gases, to break down colors in magic markers, to connect playdough to a battery pack to light up a LED light and to match up puzzles pieces in pentominoes. The fun night raised science career awareness and ended with escaping from the science lab to enjoy cupcakes!
It was a great night for SCIENCE.
- Discovering colors in Chromotology
- Releasing gases in household products
- Matching puzzles pieces in Pentominoes
- Setting up circuits
- Making a circuit to light a LED
- Chromotolgy designs
- Cupcake Sponsors
Twisters and Treats — March 18, 2015
- Weatherman & teacher simulate a tornado.
- Middle School girls building structures
- Daughter/Mother check on tornado velocity.
- Structures ready to test.
- Oakland University students’ marshmallow house.
- Building a wind-proof structure.
Cupcakes and Crime: CSI — March 19, 2014
A crime has been committed! Local girls took part in a criminal investigative team that solved a crime on Wednesday, March 19. This exciting science program, CUPCAKES and CRIME: CSI, sponsored by the Rochester American Association of University Women (AAUW) and Rochester Schools encouraged girls in grades 5–8 to participate in STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) projects with their moms, dads, grandparents, scout leaders, etc.
The program began with everyone, upon arrival, observing, taking measurements and collecting data from the actual crime scene. Everyone then participated in three hands-on workshops: INVESTIGATING A CRIME SCENE, WHO LEFT THE FINGERPRINTS? and WHOSE BLOOD IS THIS? The adult/girl teams analyzed clues from the murder scene which led to scientifically finding out who the villain was. The night ended with a yummy cupcake for all.
The event took place at Van Hoosen Middle School, 1339 North Adams Road, Rochester Hills, MI, between 5:45 and 9:30 pm Wednesday, March 19, 2014. The cost was $7 per person.
- Crime scene/clues – Marvin, a delivery man murdered
- Three suspects- school custodian, girlfriend, and manager of cafeteria
- Checking out blood types
- Detective sharing his crime scene observations
- Measuring distances of blood splatters
- Evaluating human fingerprints
- Middle school students grilling murder suspects
- Who Did It? charts
- CSI Team: Police Photographer, Science Teacher & Detective
- Reward for solving the crime-CUPCAKES!
- Reward for solving the crime-CUPCAKES!
Sundaes and Science: A Mother and Daughter Night — March 21, 2013
- Star Lab
- Sorting stars by color
- Arranging stars by size
- Our Milky Way
- Designing a galaxy
- My Galaxy
- Many unique galaxies
- Finding the night sky constellations
- Making a star wheel
- Finished star wheel identifies constellations in the night sky
- Sundaes with ‘sprinkle’ stars
- Sundaes with ‘sprinkle’ stars